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À propos de l'ESC

ESC est initialement une entreprise de solutions de palplanches créée en 1986, avec près de 4 décennies de développement, ESC Group est un fournisseur mondial de solutions de produits de construction et de produits et services en acier avec une chaîne d'approvisionnement éclairée intégrée avec des expériences et une expertise en ingénierie, fabrication sophistiquée, revêtements rigoureux et résistants, supports techniques intensifs, gestion de la qualité étendue, organisation de l'expédition par plusieurs méthodes, documentations complètes des processus.

ESC Group

We have vast portfolio in Foundation SolutionsMarine Furniture, Excavation and Trench SafetyCorrosion Control, and Structural Steel Fabrication.   

ESC Group has built up a team mainly engineers  and with all certification whom does not just only supply the products – but focusing on the supplying chain management and the engineering solution .   


ESC has made serviced to many world-class contractors and companies in hundreds of big projects .  



ESC's history is a testament to its commitment to excellence, innovation, and customer satisfaction. With a dedicated team and a wealth of experience, ESC continues to lead the industry, providing top-notch engineering solutions for construction projects worldwide.

sheet pile steel pipes combination wall system

L'ESC a établi de solides relations de travail avec les fabricants d'acier, de peintures, de systèmes de protection cathodique et d'autres éléments associés aux travaux de pieux, en offrant une gamme complète d'options au client.

L'ESC peut fournir au client des conseils sur les solutions alternatives. Veuillez contacter le bureau de l'ESC le plus proche pour obtenir des conseils complémentaire.

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Marine fender and mooring bollards supplier
Vinyl Sheet Pile Supplier
Steel Structures Fabrication
ESC Trench Safety
trench shields manufacturer and supplier
Corrosion Protection system

Initially focused on providing sheet pile solutions, ESC quickly gained recognition for its innovative engineering solutions in the construction industry. Over the years, ESC expanded its product offerings and expertise. The company's growth was marked by the development of four major areas:

  1. Steel Sheet Pile and Vinyl Sheet Pile: ESC became a leader in both steel and vinyl sheet piling solutions, addressing various engineering and environmental challenges.

  2. Pipe Pile: Expanding its portfolio, ESC introduced high-quality pipe piles, further solidifying its position in the market.

  3. High-End Steel Structures: ESC's expertise in supply chain management led to the creation of advanced steel structures, catering to complex construction needs.

  4. Bollard, Fender, and Sacrificial Anodes: ESC diversified its offerings by including bollards, fenders, and sacrificial anodes, enhancing its capabilities in marine and coastal engineering.


Also available to the client are corrosion protection options, tie-back systems, and other items necessary for the project.

Further to simply supplying products, we at ESC take a different approach to each project, which is tailored to the customers’ requirements. ESC believes that just supplying a product is insufficient and the level of support that customers receive is beyond expectations. This support ranges from general advice on the Client’s options to full engineering support and design.

​ESC products are produced in accordance with the latest international standards as well as ISO 9000 Quality Management Systems. Additional standards tailored to client requirements can also be applied upon request.


Today, ESC operates in sixteen countries across Asia, North America, and the Middle East, ensuring a global reach. The company continues to supply its products and services to clients worldwide, maintaining a strong focus on quality and innovation.

What we offer from our suite of products & services is a comprehensive system that supplements economical solutions and practical approaches suitable for every project scenario. According to client needs, we incorporate high-value products and precise design measures to minimize budgets and ensure safe, sustainable, and most rapid completion period possible.

ESC can provide guidance on alternative solutions to the client. Please contact the nearest ESC office to get complimentary advice.

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Nos Partenaires

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